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Our coalition is working to hold billionaires accountable for their impact on our lives. Stay up-to-date on the campaign through our statements, the latest news, and other updates.
ICYMI: 90 Organizations Urge Congress to “Tax the Greedy Billionaires” Instead of Cutting Critical Programs
This morning as the House prepares to vote for a budget resolution that guts critical programs in order to fund tax breaks for the ultra-rich, progressive lawmakers joined representatives from a coalition of 90 organizations, including People’s Action, MoveOn, and Indivisible, to deliver a clear and bold message to Congress: Don’t slash programs that working families depend on—tax the greedy billionaires now.
Early Brief: Johnson’s budget resolution is livin’ on a prayer
Tax the Greedy Billionaires (yes, that’s the name) is launching today with a news conference on the Hill featuring Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairman Greg Casar (D-Texas) and a letter to members of Congress. ‘Don’t slash programs that working families depend on — tax the greedy billionaires now.